Thursday, October 21, 2010

Brand characters

I think that brand characters come with the brands story. Not only do characters make the brand become real and more relatable to the consumer but it contributes the story that the brand has. Having a character with your brand help people recognize what it is right away, if it’s successful.

Not only can it be really successful for your brand but it also can make your advertising a little more fun and interesting. For example the M & M characters have been around for years and although they have changed and modernized they have always had the same personality and have always been known to the consumer right away. I think that this is a good example that if you can put a character out there that people will recognize with the brand than I think that it is really successful.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Brand Loyalty

My loyalty doesn’t go very far for many brands. Not because I don’t really like certain brands better than others but I think that it is mostly because of saving money on certain products.
When we were asked in class what brand we were loyal to, I couldn’t think of anything right away. I guess I take after my mom and for things like grocery items; I just go for what’s more inexpensive. I think what you’re loyal to has to do with how you were raised and what your parents had around the house. At a certain point in your life all you know is what you have been around. One small thing that I can think of that I won’t change is my deodorant. Although it doesn’t cost a lot and frequently goes on sale this is still something that I will purchase if it’s not on sale because I love the brand and how it works so I don’t think it’s something that I will ever change.
I think that the problem with me being loyal to one specific brand is that I like to try new things in order to figure out what it is that I like. I’m still deciding and figuring out what kinds of brands work best for me and what I would stick with using.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Facebook me...

I went to the movies last week to watch The Social Network and after the movie I thought that it was a good example of Brand personality. I thought that it was a great movie and that they did a good job of explaining the story. Throughout the movie they say how Facebook is a cool brand and that is why they are using it. There is one scene in the movie that they are discussing putting advertising on Facebook, well this is where the owner describes that he didn’t want to do this because Facebook is seen by its users as a “cool” thing and they would get turned away if there was ads on the site. I think that this is exactly what the brand is seen as. At first when I was invited to sign up, I didn’t really care to. After a little while it seemed to be what everyone around me was doing, so I decided to try it out. Although I am not on it as much as others I think that a lot of people are using it because of what its personality portrays it as.
A lot of people thought that it would fade out with time, but I think that it will last a while.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Mine is better than yours.

I just came back from visiting friends in Kingston and while I was there we went out to a bar. When I saw the name of it I thought it was the simplest and easiest name that they could have come up with. The name of the bar is MyBar. What I thought was really clever was the way that they used the tagline of “MyBar is better than your bar” in a way to position themselves. Kingston is known as being a university town, so the target audience for the bars in that area are students. I thought that they did a great job at making the bar feel as though it can be a place that you can go to and not pay too much for your drinks but that you can also be in a comfortable and enjoyable atmosphere. I think that with the name like MyBar, they do a good job of using a simple and direct name but make it creative and work the best for them. I think that with everything they offer they are doing a good job of standing out in a town that is known for student night life.