Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Brand Loyalty

My loyalty doesn’t go very far for many brands. Not because I don’t really like certain brands better than others but I think that it is mostly because of saving money on certain products.
When we were asked in class what brand we were loyal to, I couldn’t think of anything right away. I guess I take after my mom and for things like grocery items; I just go for what’s more inexpensive. I think what you’re loyal to has to do with how you were raised and what your parents had around the house. At a certain point in your life all you know is what you have been around. One small thing that I can think of that I won’t change is my deodorant. Although it doesn’t cost a lot and frequently goes on sale this is still something that I will purchase if it’s not on sale because I love the brand and how it works so I don’t think it’s something that I will ever change.
I think that the problem with me being loyal to one specific brand is that I like to try new things in order to figure out what it is that I like. I’m still deciding and figuring out what kinds of brands work best for me and what I would stick with using.

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